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TOP101 Debates: Translating Technologies into Business Value

Technologies have turned the world into a globalized experience and have become a key driving force for business development. As technology becomes part of our everyday lives, technological advances have become a global phenomenon in recent years and continue to develop exponentially. Amid the global trends, Baltic companies must modernize their business strategies or risk being left behind.

On November 25, 2020, TOP101 Debates Translating Technologies into Business Value took place online, organized by Prudentia, Nasdaq Riga and Confidentus. During the event, participants from the Baltic States discussed digital transformation - the challenges and opportunities in the Baltics, highlighted the technologies that will mark the turning point of the fourth industrial revolution in the Baltic States.

Partcipants of the event: Juhan-Madis Pukk, Flowit; Jānis Čupriks, Datakom; Andres Agasild, Markit; Gatis Ošs, Squalio; Andžej Šuškevič, Baltic Amadeus; Evita Lune, Pedersen & Partners; Zane Čulkstēna, ERDA un Kim?. Moderator of the event: Anna Andersone, Riga TechGirls.


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